Have you considered purchasing your timber online?
19 Apr 2023
We love speaking to our customers and our expert sales team are always on hand to assist, but we like to offer multiple ways to purchase so you can tailor your buying experience to your needs. If you like the flexibility of browsing and purchasing at your leisure, comparing full pack specifications and productions to suit your requirements and benefiting from competitively priced stock and special deals, then buying online could be for you. Our online platform allows you to use our vast stock of Hardwoods and Clear Grade Softwoods as your own and since it’s launch in 2021 it has proven incredibly beneficial to our customers. Here’s what they have to say…
‘So convenient and a huge benefit to our business. Having the ability to instantly see a wide range of stock, with prices and the tallies is extremely helpful. It is particularly easy to use and essentially offers a vast extension of stock at our disposal to facilitate our customer’s needs.’
‘Very useful in my purchasing of packs that I require. All the information on lengths, widths and volume are clear and helpful, what I do like is I can order 24 hours of the day, 7 days of the week.’
‘One day I decided to see what all the fuss was about and now I have to say I’m hooked. Rather than just see the packs that I am looking for I can see all their packs, including stock due in. In a matter of seconds I can filter my search, see the timber required, pack quantity, length, widths, production, pack tally then place the order. The time saving is fantastic.’
Click here to request an account or contact us directly at sales@timberconnection.co.uk and we will get you set up in no time!